Lontarkan Komentar Seksisme, Tyrese Gibson Segera Unggah Permintaan Maaf

Foto:  Lontarkan Komentar Seksisme, Tyrese Gibson Segera Unggah Permintaan Maaf

Simak permintaan maaf Tyrese Gibson atas komentar seksisme yang belum lama ini ia lontarkan di hadapan media.

Kanal247.com - Aktor Tyrese Gibson mendapatkan kecaman keras dari publik setelah ia melontarkan komentar seksisme dalam wawancara yang diunggah oleh BET pada Senin, 10 April silam. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Gibson menuturkan kata-kata yang dianggap merendahkan perempuan dan berhasil menuai kritikan publik.

Untungnya, bintang "The Fate of the Furious" segera menyadari kesalahannya dan mengambil langkah untuk meminta maaf pada publik, khususnya pada para perempuan di luar sana. Permintaan maaf tersebut diunggah sendiri oleh Gibson melalui akun Instagram pribadinya pada Sabtu, 15 April 2017.

My mother taught me better than this..... lesson learned in life you will learn that It's not always "what" you say, it's the "how" we choose to say it. For the record I'm far from a misogynist, a male chauvinist or flat out mean..... My intentions were there but my delivery fucking horrible.... And clearly all the way off.... And for that I sincerely apologize to all of the ladies... Even after this apology.... Some may likely decide to NOT forgive me.... Time and consistency heals all wounds.... Although I've been consistently for years speaking on these topics and some of the same words in my message, I have never experienced what I am experiencing right now. - I've been getting dragged and feel the heat from my poor choice of words and approach to my messages, trust me..... Please accept this as my sincere apology for my poor choice of words - Shit gets real when it goes from a social media dragging to my own wife giving me the side eye and coming at me, even she's not happy with the way I've conducted myself.... it's crazy how non-public figures can say and do some really dumb shit and it will stay amongst your family and friends or local in your hood.... When you have been an entertainer for 15+ years the whole WORLD is literally watching you grow up & learn, bump your head, make mistakes and evolve as the world watches.... This is a real lesson learned... This is not just a regular IG post for me. I want to truly say that I'm sorry, I'm not APOLOGIZING in an effort to be politically correct, I apologize as a man first for the things that I've recently said about choices women have the right to make, for the terms that I've used and the way I've come across. I was raised to think and feel certain ways, and I'm learning new things that combat those messages. I am not perfect or all knowing, nor am I the one to claim to be. I've learned things through experience which I share, and through these last couple of weeks, I've learned a lot through this well deserved internet dragging...... This is about a man owning up to his actions, taking responsibility, recognizing how to do better, and actually doing better. Ladies you deserve better...

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh TYRESE (@tyrese) pada

"Ibu mengajariku untuk bersikap lebih baik daripada ini," tulis Gibson. "Pelajaran berharga bisa didapatkan ketika kamu belajar bahwa bukan tentang 'apa' yang kamu katakan, tetapi 'bagaimana' cara kamu mengatakan maksud yang ingin disampaikan. Sebagai informasi, aku bukanlah seorang misoginis, penganut aliran sovinisme atau pun orang jahat."

"Aku memiliki pesan yang baik untuk disampaikan, tetapi caraku menyampaikannya sangatlah buruk... dan sangat tidak tepat," ungkapnya. "Oleh karena itu, aku sungguh meminta maaf pada seluruh perempuan di luar sana. Beberapa dari kalian mungkin tidak mau memaafkanku, tapi aku yakin waktu dan konsistensi (untuk meminta maaf) akan menyembuhkan semua luka."

Selain itu, Gibson juga mengungkapkan bahwa ia pernah membicarakan topik serupa sebelumnya, tetapi aktor tersebut sama sekali tidak pernah mendapatkan kecaman sekeras ini. Namun, Gibson bersungguh-sungguh dalam meminta maaf atas ucapannya tersebut dan berjanji akan belajar dari kesalahannya ini.

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